I promise you
Sometimes it is truly like living in a cage.
Others are free to express freely
While I rage on the inside
Backed into a corner
More like strapped up
Vulnerability is feigned
Anger is sin
Silence is indignant
Sound is noise
Emotion is victimhood
Beauty is pride
Humility is foreign
Good is bad
Bad is bad
Nothing is ever good
Strength is assumed

My shoes hurt
Yet they are just for me
No one else
Which makes it tough
For those who need to verify
Before any empathy
Sympathy is easy
Pity is the gift
That keeps giving infinitely
Patronizing me about my very real pain

I feel empty inside
Anxiety is ever skulking
Casing the place
Waiting to have at my dead carcass
Fear is home
It is all I’ve ever known
Everything and everyone else
Comes and goes freely
Yet fear lives with me
I’m so weary
So hurt
I question God
There are no answers
Just promises

10:00:36 PM