It’s Just Hair!

It’s Just Hair!

“It’s just hair! What is the big deal?!” Seems like a fairly harmless statement, but it is ignorant.  I feel comfortable speaking for the majority of black women on this…it is never JUST hair. Hair is never a simple topic for Black women.  Even the people who...
Lazy Lips

Lazy Lips

Assessing some statements we say without thinking I’ve had many confrontations with brothers and sisters in Christ. If we are “one anothering” well and in fellowship, it is inevitable. A wise pastor who I love dearly once said to me, “Keiko, we won’t all be...
Just Promises

Just Promises

I promise you Sometimes it is truly like living in a cage. Others are free to express freely While I rage on the inside Backed into a corner More like strapped up Vulnerability is feigned Anger is sin Silence is indignant Sound is noise Emotion is victimhood Beauty is...